研究実績の概要 |
The purpose of this research is to develop a markerless tracking system for image-guided radiation therapy. The tracking system is capable of tracking the respiration-induced tumor motion automatically in real-time during radiation delivery, and will be able to provide conformable tumor motion information and to allow the treatment device to deliver high-dose conformable radiation to the moving target accurately. According to the research plan, the research achievements in the FY2019 are summarized as follows. (1) Several thorax phantom-based experiments have been conducted at Tohoku university hospital and sets of kilo-voltage (kV) images data and megavoltage (MV) image data have been acquired for evaluation of tumor tracking system; (2) Extensive experiments have been conducted to evaluate the previous proposed tracking methods and compared with existing tracking methods; (3) A papers, which focused on extracting the tumor from X-ray images for accurate tracking, has been published in IEEJ transactions on electronics, information and system (電気学会論文誌C); (4) A Japanese patent (特許第6524497) and a United States patent (No. US10,504,225 B2) have been registered. (5) Several preliminary studies that utilize the deep learning techniques to extract the tumor from X-ray images have been conducted, and the experimental results demonstrated a promising perspective of the deep learning for radiation therapy.