研究実績の概要 |
今年度は研究計画に従い、さざままなデータセットをもとに個人データメタアナリシス、および個人データネットワークメタアナリシスを実施した。 Cipriani A, Furukawa TA, Salanti G, Chaimani A, Atkinson LZ, Ogawa Y, Leucht S, Ruhe HG, Turner EH, Higgins JP, Egger M, Takeshima N, Hayasaka Y, Imai H, Shinohara K, Tajika A, Ioannidis JP & Geddes JR (2018) Comparative efficacy and acceptability of first- and second-generation antidepressants in the acute treatment of major depressive disorder: A network meta-analysis. The Lancet. Furukawa TA, Maruo K, Noma H, Tanaka S, Imai H, Shinohara K, Ikeda K, Yamawaki S, Levine SZ, Goldberg Y, Leucht S & Cipriani A (in press) Initial severity of major depression and efficacy of new generation antidepressants: Individual-participant data meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. が受理された。ほかに数本の論文を投稿中である。//Cognitive-behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP), drug, or their combination for persistent depressive disorder: Personalizing the treatment choice using individual participant data network meta-regression (submitted)// Efficient Two-Step Multivariate Random Effects Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data for Longitudinal Clinical Trials Using Mixed Effects Models (submitted)