[備考] (1) 2008 年4 月28 日ミラノ大学国際研究集会報告論文(計5本)
[備考] Michele Salvati (University of Milan) : "Structural reforms and economic andpolitical change in Italy"
[備考] Massimo Florio (University of Milan) : "Privatization of network industries in Italy and the EU"
[備考] Ronald Dore (CEP - London School of Economics and Political Science) : "Recent canges in Japanese coporate governance"Antonio Chiesi (University of Milan)
[備考] Corporate governance and firm ownership in Italy
[備考] Hideko Magara (Waseda University) : " Structural reforms in Japan and Italy : acomparison"
[備考] (2) 翻訳眞柄秀子・井戸正伸監訳G.ツェベリス『拒否権プレイヤー : 政治制度はいかに作動するか』早稲田大学出版部、2009、全395ページ.
[備考] (3) 2007年7月6日《イタリアの春》早稲田大学国際シンポジウム報告論文(計8本)
[備考] Daniele Checchi (Dean, University of Milano) : "Labor Market Reforms in Italy"
[備考] Masanobu Ido (Waseda University) : "LaborMarket Reforms in Japan"
[備考] Paolo Segatti (University of Milano) : "Italian Institutional Reforms and Electoral Change"
[備考] Motoshi Suzuki (Kyoto University) : "Party Leadership and Structural Reform under Coalitional Politics"
[備考] Carlo Filippini (Bocconi University) : "Fiscal Reforms and Decentralization in Italy"
[備考] Stefano Sacchi (University of Milano) : "Italian Welfare Reforms in a European Perspective"
[備考] Toshimutsu Shinkawa (Kyoto University) : "The Japanese-Style Welfare Regime at a Crossroads"
[備考] Corrado Molteni, Cultural Attache at the Italian Embassy in Japan : "Concluding Remarks : Italy and Japan Compared"