すべて 2009 2008 2007 2006
すべて 雑誌論文 (31件) (うち査読あり 31件) 学会発表 (4件) 図書 (2件)
in Machine learning IN-TECH
ページ: 125-144
in Proceedings of the IASTED international conference on artificial intelligence and applications (AIA2009)
ページ: 158-162
ページ: 169-174
in Proceedings of the international joint conference on neural networks(IJCNN2008)
ページ: 2047-2083
in Intelligent data engineering and automated learning-IDEAL2008(LNCS), Springer vol.LNCS5326
ページ: 148-155
in Proceedings of the international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics(SMC2008)
ページ: 1819-1825
ページ: 1812-1818
in Proceedings of the international conference on soft computing and intelligent systems and the international symposium on advanced intelligent systems(SCIS and ISIS2008)
ページ: 1144-1148
Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ページ: 414-419
Proceeding of Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ページ: 388-394
ページ: 395-400
Proceedings of IEEE SMC International Conference on Distributed Human-Machine Systems
ページ: 215-222, 414-419
ページ: 223-227
International Journal of General Sytems vol.36
ページ: 157-177
Proceedings of IEEE symposium on foundations of computational intelligence
ページ: 578-582
Foundations of Computational Intelligence, 2007. FOCI 2007. IEEE Symposium on
ページ: 630-636
IJCNN 2007. International Joint Conference on 12-17 Aug. 2007
ページ: 1767-1773
ページ: 1779-1784
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS4668
ページ: 1611-3349
Proceedingsof IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
ページ: 1217-1222
Proceedings of Conferences on Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ページ: 69-74
Proceedings of Conferences on Artificial Intelligenceand Applications
ページ: 64-68
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Vol.17, No.4
ページ: 909-918
Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Networks
ページ: 3456-3462
ページ: 5135-5140
ページ: 5130-5134
LNCS 4232
ページ: 897-908
ページ: 925-934
ページ: 626-633
Proceedings of SCIS
ページ: 213-217