研究概要 |
ページの更新履歴のインタラクティブな視覚化のためのフレームワークの構築を行う。このアプリケーションでは、ユーザがページのURLを入力することで、Webアーカイブに保存された過去のページのスナップショットを2次元もしくは3次元で表示する。We proposed interactive approach for visualizing summarized page histories based on data extracted from Web archives. Using the proposed solutions, it is possible to easily get a grasp of page histories without resorting to manual analysis of their snapshots. The snapshot visualization on 2D space reveals the change pattern over time, the general outlook and the characteristics of pages in the past, while the term clouds provide different kinds of aggregated views on their historical content. This kind of temoral representation offers contextual data that can be used for facilitating understanding of pages or for predicting their future states. An important feature of this application is its comparison module for determining similar and different aspects in histories of different pages.