研究実績の概要 |
English number agreement by Japanese speakers (eyetracking): This experiment measured the processing of partitive phrases in English, for example, “one of the dogs/*dog” vs. “two of the dogs/*dog”. Previous studies argued that there can be a grammatical illusion effect for “*one of the dog” phrase types because normal number agreement between one and dog requires the null morpheme despite partitive phrases here requiring a plural -s. The analysis of the results of the eye-tracking study is ongoing. English relative clause processing and anaphora resolution by Japanese speakers (eyetracking): This study measured the processing of RCs as well as measured their processing at the reflexive anaphor. This study was to show JEFLs could have interference or intrusion effects at the reflexive anaphor (e.g., “The butler who the guard/maid hit drove himself to the hospital”. In the previous year, I had conducted this experiment using behavioral tasks and found an intrusion effect at the reflexive. As such, this study was to confirm/validate the finding. The analysis of the results is ongoing. Japanese processing of subject and object pro-drop within complement clauses compared to the processing of Japanese RCs (maze task): This study compared the subject/object pro-drop within complement clauses to that of subject/object RCs in Japanese and complement clauses with no pro-drop to determine if there is a processing cost associated with pro-drop and compare this cost to the processing cost of filler-gap movement of RC processing. The analysis of the results is ongoing.