研究実績の概要 |
The main experiment of this project, a large-scale hydroponic experiment, was conducted at the glasshouse facilities of JIRCAS from September to November, 2018. In this experiment, six rice genotypes of contrasting phosphorus-use efficiency (PUE) were grown under three different P-supplies. Numerous physiological measurements of plant health and photosynthetic capacity were assessed during the experimental period, followed by final biomass at harvest (roots, mature leaves, immature leaves and shoots). Samples were taken for assessment of total P, P-fractions, RNA, metabolite analysis, as well as for leaf cell-specific P-allocation. Equipment was purchased for the specialized collection and storage of highly sensitive material in the analysis of leaf cell-specific P-allocation. All physiological, biomass and total P data have been assessed. Protocols have been refined for total P analysis, utilizing a colorimetric method suitable for the extremely low [P] found in some plant tissues. Methods for P-fraction analysis (including purchase of equipment and chemicals) have been developed and analysis of material from the experiment is currently being undertaken. In summary, the main hydroponic experiment of the project was successfully completed in 2018, several methods have been developed and equipment purchased, and the initial analysis is due to be finalized by mid-2019.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Reasoning: The project is progressing as expected, see other sections, with the main large hydroponic experiment completed in the first growing season, followed by most of the initial sample and data processing. The time-consuming process of method development is complete for low-P analysis, and for P-fraction analysis. The future stages are well planned
今後の研究の推進方策 |
All of the P-fraction analysis will be completed by June, 2019. These results, along with the accompanying physiological and biomass data will be combined and published in a leading peer-reviewed international journal in late 2019. I will travel to Portland, Oregon, USA, in August to attend the Microscopy and Microanalysis conference (M&M2019), where I will present my research on leaf cell-specific P allocation in species of Proteaceae, and meet with collaborators from the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis (CMCA), Perth, Australia, to discuss plans for analyzing material collected in the main experiment. The analysis of RNA will be conducted by Adem Getnet, a colleague and JSPS postdoctoral fellow at JIRCAS, and we will collaborate together in publishing this work. The results of the first publications will allow for the identification of specific metabolites of interest, involved in P-metabolism, which will be subsequently analyzed in material collected from the main experiment. From November to December 2019 (~6 weeks), I will visit the CMCA, Perth, Australia (University of Western Australia). At the CMCA I will measure leaf cell-specific P concentrations in samples collected from the main experiment and will compile and publish this data in 2020.