研究実績の概要 |
The main experiment of this project, a large-scale hydroponic experiment has been successfully completed. Since the last report, all of the laboratory analysis from this experiment has also been completed. This included analysis of chemical P-fraction concentrations, analysis of cell-level P concentrations at the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis (CMCA), University of Western Australia, and the preparation and delivery of samples to collaborators at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) for analysis of metabolites. The physiological, biomass, total P, and P-fraction data have been combined into one manuscript, currently in preparation, to be submitted to New Phytologist. The cell-level nutrient data has been analysed and will form a second manuscript, currently in preparation. The metabolite data is yet to be received, but we expect it to form a third manuscript. In addition, I collaborated with two other JSPS fellows (Asad Prodhan and Getnet Adem) on a joint experiment assessing short-term changes in metabolites, proteins and gene expression, under different forms of P-stress. This experiment was completed successfully, and we are currently processing samples. In summary, samples from the main experiment have all been analysed or submitted for analysis. Two manuscripts are in preparation, and the third is awaiting results.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
4: 遅れている
In general, the project has progressed as expected, see above section, with the data collection complete for two manuscripts and both in preparation. However, due to the recent passing of my father in late March, I have had to temporarily suspend my fellowship to return to Australia, to arrange the funeral, be with family, and to act as Executor of my father's Will. Due to these commitments and the current world-wide pandemic crisis, I am unable to return to Japan, in the short-term. I hope to return to Japan as soon as possible, to continue my project and complete the remaining 3 months of my fellowship. In summary, things have progressed well thus far, but due to my absence from Japan I have had to temporarily suspend and will continue upon my return.