研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 一橋大学 |
研究代表者 |
後藤 玲子 一橋大学, 経済研究所, 教授 (70272771)
研究分担者 |
SCHOYEN OIVIND 一橋大学, 経済研究所, 外国人特別研究員
研究期間 (年度) |
2018-10-12 – 2021-03-31
キーワード | Legitimacy / Paternalism / Conflict / Fairness views / Experimental economics / Theoretical economics |
研究実績の概要 |
FY2019 was a productive period. I discussed my plan for an incentivized experiment with Professor Tungodden, Norway, in August 2019. With his advice and in agreement with Professor Gotoh, we concluded that developing theoretical concepts was the best way to address the questions. I initiated a project with Professor Bassino at Hitotsubashi University, and along with the joint project with Professor Greif at Stanford University, the projects will be developed into two working papers resulting from my stay. Participation at the 2019 ESA conference in Los Angeles enabled me to present my work and discuss ideas for future. Also revisions were made to my previous work and published as an article, "What limits the efficacy of coercion?"
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The research has been conducted with high energy and high inspiration while thoroughly enjoying the stay in Japan. I also had high expectations for how much I could do, thus my progress is as planned. A project with Professor Avner Greif named "A theory of Moral Authority" is ongoing. A new project called "At the margin of the State; Corsica under Genoan rule" has started, working together with Professor Jean-Pascal Bassino whom I met at Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University. Two working papers are expected to be published on SSRN before the end of my post-doc, the titles of which are: A Theory of Moral Authority: Moral Choices Under Moral Network Externality with Avner Greif At the margin of the State; Corsica under Genoan rule (1453 -1769) with Jean-Pascal Bassino
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In April I was scheduled to present my paper at the 2020 ASREC conference and discuss joint work with Professor Avner Greif at Stanford and Garry Charness at UC Santa Barbara. Due to COVID-19, this was cancelled. Further, instead of my original plan to conduct incentivized experiments, in agreement with Professor Gotoh we came to the conclusion that developing theoretical concepts was the best way to progress to address the questions. My plan for the final five months of my post doc is to present my work at Hitotsubashi University and complete two working papers. One paper is a game-theoretic model of moral authority, which is joint work with Professor Greif, and another is a game-theoretic model of the possibility of how intervention affects the internal power balances within countries.