研究実績の概要 |
This period was dedicated for developing a baseline on disaster management (DM) and climate change (CC) politics in ASEAN region and its Member States. The fellow compiled more than 190 laws and regulations related to DM/CC of 10 ASEAN Member States and started to code them. Similarly, data collection for a systematic review of DM/CC researches in Southeast Asia is currently ongoing. The research also compiled country reports and progress in implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and country’s Voluntary National Review for Sustainable Development Goals. The first fieldwork was conducted on February 2019, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Eighteen interviews were conducted with high-level officials at ASEAN Secretariat (five divisions), four ASEAN entities (AHA Centre, AEIC, AIPA, ASEAN Foundation), Indonesian ministries (BNPB, Bappenas, BMKG, and Min. of Foreign Affairs), parliament members, and other key stakeholders (UN agencies/NGOs/academia). The fellow was invited to five key meetings in the region for research outreach and gaining feedback from regional stakeholders. To keep a close connection and access to insight processes in the region, the fellow fulfilled request for contributions to the first edition of ASEAN Risk Monitor and Disaster Management Review (ARMOR), with two chapters related to this research project. In response to a recent disaster, Sunda Strait Tsunami (December 2018), the fellow performed network analysis to identify and model disconnection between research results on risk modeling with early warning system, policy and investment.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The fellow has managed to compile 192 DM/CC laws and regulations of 10 ASEAN countries as a baseline for further analysis and also compiled a profile of 88 ASEAN bodies (Secretariat and Foundation), centers/facilities, and entities as well as interviewed some of them. Key ASEAN regional agreement and frameworks have also been compiled and coded. Nevertheless, content analysis of those laws and regulations and network analysis to detect connectivity with relevant research products is still undertaken. Using the case of Sunda Strait Tsunami on December 2018, the research has showcased disconnection between the advancement of science with early warning policy instruments, which resulted in failure to reduce known disaster risk (Bisri, 2019). Although this work focused on one specific disaster, it provides an initial example to demonstrate the need for further investigation on inter-relationship between networks of science, policy, and actions in the field of DM/CC. With regards to the network-of-action element of the research, a comparative inter-organizational network analysis was completed between emergency response to 2013 Typhoon Haiyan with 2018 Central Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami (Bisri et al., 2019). Similarly, although this still limited to two case studies, it showed the initial evidence of ASEAN centrality in disaster management operations. Furthermore, the fellow exposed the result on regulatory network analysis on Indonesian disaster education and safe school to regional stakeholder.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
The research will perform inter-organizational network analysis (SNA), science-policy discourse network analysis (DNA) and citation network model. To the extent possible, SNA, DNA, and citation network analysis with scientometric discourse will be connected and potential research steps that can be automated will be explored. The automation may accelerate the content analysis process and to continuously track new publications in DM/CC on ASEAN countries and region. The fellow will investigate the accountability and political learning on DM/CC at national levels and on selected disaster cases. By carrying out time series analysis on scientific publication and policy development, this research will measure the degree of political learning in adopting science advancement in DM/CC. The fellow is currently involved in four publication plans including as co-editor of two edited books (“IRDR: Contribution Young Scientists Programme” and “Post-disaster governance in Southeast Asia”) where he will contribute chapters originated from JSPS research; one article for Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia’s edited book (“Network Valuation of Local and Non-Traditional Humanitarian Actors in Southeast Asia”); and another article on “Regionalism for effective response”, which will be submitted to an academic journal. These plans show that the expected outputs may have specific stressing point albeit derived from JSPS research project. The fellow will also continue with outreach to various DM/CC academic and policy-making processes at ASEAN and international levels.