研究実績の概要 |
We have completed our study (i.e., main aim of the program) of the properties of the host galaxies of quasars up to z ~ 2. This includes a determination of the relation between black hole mass and the stellar mass of their host galaxies. We find that the mass ratio is nearly constant (i.e., non-evolving) over the last 8 billion years of the universe. This required the development of software tools (Galight) to decompose the quasar and host galaxy emission using optical and near-infrared imaging from the Hyper Supreme-Cam Subaru Strategic program (HSC-SSP) and the Hubble Space Telescope. We also find for the first time that the dispersion in the mass ratio is nearly constant and in agreement with most cosmological simulations which include quasar feedback to regulate their joint mass growth. In addition, we have studied an important population of dual quasars from the HSC-SSP survey which elucidates their frequency and galaxy properties. Our 2D image modeling has further allowed us to study non-axisymmetric structures (e.g., spiral arms, bars, rings) within quasar host galaxies which may play a role in fueling supermassive black holes since galaxy mergers are found to be subdominant. Overall, we have published numerous papers from this study which then supported an accepted program with the James Webb Space Telescope to measure the mass ratios at z~6.