研究実績の概要 |
FY 2020 was very productive. One project we finished, in collaboration with Prof. Alain Barrat and students, was about how to reconstruct networks from backbones (a typical way of summarizing network data). Another project in collaboration with Marko Jusup and Holme's Master's student Soya Miyoshi investigated vaccination-hesitancy with feedback from emergent epidemics. We did this by proposing a minimalistic model using game theory, network theory, the modeling of epidemic spreading, and opinion dynamics. Holme also published a paper about efficient algorithms for the SIR model on empirical temporal-network data and another model of employing disease modeling in graph neural networks. Another major publication (in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA) was also in collaboration with Marko Jusup. We organized a social dilemma game experiment to investigate whether player participation in public goods provision depends on the global characteristics of social networks or the ability to freely choose among local public goods within a player’s network neighborhood. Our results demonstrate the importance of the latter factor, thus favoring bottom-up public goods provision that gives individuals a say in decision-making. Furthermore, in collaboration with Doina Bucur , Holme used a machine learning approach to evaluate the predictive power of graph centrality measures in predicting the outbreak size of epidemics on networks. Holme also collaborated with Zhanwei Du to study how the coupling between the circadian rhythm of the immune system and commuting affects disease spreading.