研究実績の概要 |
Through synthesis of machine-learning and phylogenetic analyses, plastics xenobiotics degrading genes in soil bacteria were identified and their evolutionary history/origin was predicted. Through comparison with bacteria living in engineering environments, their evolutionary trends were found to be nearly opposite - one depending on ancient inheritances and the other recent innovations. As a parallel project, combining phylogenetic, genomic, and thermodynamic analyses, a novel recently evolved metabolism in methanogenic archaea was discovered.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In the coming year, further analyses will be performed to identify novel genes evolved recently, presumably to degrade xenobiotic compounds. Through machine learning-facilitated data mining, we will search for operons of novel genes phylogenetically restricted to specific lineages and environmentally restricted to environments exposed to xenobiotic pollutants. The results will also be used to identify lineages that tend to make evolutionary breakthroughs in pollutant remediation.