研究実績の概要 |
Due to COVID restrictions, I was unable to carry out some research activities, including event planning and conference attendance. One academic presentation was given at the annual conference of the 38th/39th meeting of the Canadian Literary Society of Japan, and one research essay, entitled "Exploring the Teen Detective Genre in Kris Bertin and Alexander Forbe's The Case of the Missing Men," was published in the Japanese Review of Canadian Literature, volume 29. Currently, one essay is being revised for publication in a Canadian journal. During 2021, research was conducted on the theme of the commodification of care in Lynn Coady's 2019 novel Watching You Without Me. The research results will be give in an online presentation at the bi-annual Atlantic Canada Studies conference to be held at the University of New Brunswick in May 2022.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
For academic year 2022, I am planning the publication of two essays and a proposal to an overseas publisher for a book on my current research theme. In May 2022, I will give a presentation at the bi-annual Atlantic Canada Studies conference (online) at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton). If conditions permit, I will consider planning an event at the end of the academic year.