研究実績の概要 |
This multi-year project has a purpose of investigating sentence processing patterns by younger and elder participants of three SOV languages. In AY2022, data collection from Nuosu Yi, a Tibeto-Burman language, was conducted remotely. Nuosu Yi was selected because of case marking, possibility of scrambling, and basic SOV word order. With a native speaker linguist, auditory stimuli for the experiments were recorded. The experiment had three picture matching tasks testing the word order differences (a) when the subject and the object are reversed, (b) when the instrumental phrase is reversed with the object, and (c) when the comparative phrase is reversed with the standard of comparison. As travels were still restricted by the ongoing pandemic, a local collaborator administered the experiment using Remote Experiment Software. Data from 30 younger participants and 30 elderly participants were obtained who completed all three tasks in different order. Results of reaction time and accuracy were analyzed, which showed slower reaction time and less accuracy in elderly participants. These results are similar to Korean and Japanese, which suggests that a sensitivity to word order changes in sentence processing is comparable across the three SOV languages.