研究実績の概要 |
From numerous analyses of our data, we presented and published multiple findings at various domestic and international conferences and a journal. These findings shed light on Japanese lower-proficiency English learners’ (1) communicative capabilities, their (2) attitudes and beliefs, use of (3) verbal and non-verbal strategies, (4) extended other-initiated repair sequences, and (5) implications and suggestions for ELF-informed pedagogy and assessment. We also organized and conducted two ELF assessment workshops at which we invited guest speakers, who were experts in the field, shared our suggestions for communication strategy training and assessment based on our findings, and facilitated discussion with and suggestions from participants. Additionally, we were invited to write two chapters based on our findings in a book, which we are currently in the process of writing. Publication is expected in early 2024. We also created the online ELFJ Corpus (online and open access) to promote and share our data with other researchers and teachers interested in the field. We registered our corpus as an invention with Tamagawa University.