研究実績の概要 |
In order to build a historical study on the first Japanese community in the region of Para, which would reach Brazil in the early 20th century, the following activities were carried out: twelve interviews were carried out with descendants of Japanese in the lower Amazon region, collection of bibliographical material and documents in public libraries. In the city of Quatro Bocas, municipality of Tome were the following activities were carried out: visits to the community, meeting to present the objectives of the research to the leaders of the Cooperativa Agricola, collection of historical documents about the community of Quatro Bocas in Tome Acu, visit to two schools in the city of Quatro Bocas.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
During the fiscal year of 2019, in reference to the investigation in America, the data collection will be held in August and September. During this period I intend to study the municipal archives of the rural areas of Altamira, Barcarena, Cameta;, Dom Eliseu, Itaituba, Marituba, Maraba;, Paragominas, Parauapebas and Tucuru;. After the end of data collection, I want to focus on the organization of the material collected, on the data analysis.