研究実績の概要 |
Over the past 5 years, as the world refugee crisis worsens, we have seen a dramatic increase in the numbers of asylum seekers in Japan. This is causing problems for the migration community and for Japan as a whole. The purpose of this research is to examine the new wave of refugees coming into Kanto area. We use oral narrative methods, digital media recording to speak to a) refugees themselves, b) the different groups and agencies supporting the refugees, c) the community reaction to the refugees. Since our goal is not only to research but also to improve the situation, we plan on disseminating information on both scholarly and popular media. Due to covid-19, we had to narrow the concentrate our energies on the first of our goals--the oral narrative methodology of refugees themselves. As this is the most understudies migrant population in Japan, it seems important to focus here.
備考 |
As part of our proposal, we promised that we would provide our finding in a open source website, easily accessible in both firewall and language. To date, we have had thousands of views.