研究実績の概要 |
Thoughout the duration of the research period I published peer-reviewed academic journal articles in open access journals in the field of education research to accomplish two tasks. One the one hand, my intention was to further the theoretical discussion about the effect of aid from bilateral aid agencies on education and civil society in Cambodia. On the other hand, I hoped to shed light on how these aid mechanisms worked in providing basic needs for education in Cambodia in open access articles which could be useful to both domestic and international stakeholders such as the Cambodian Government and particularly the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport as well as international actors such as the World Bank, UN agencies, and the wider NGO community. There were admittedly challenges to doing this international fieldwork during a global pandemic. There was a four-year period during which I was unable to travel to Cambodia to do fieldwork and an essential part of my research is not not only to analyze government policies and documents but also to observe projects. In addition to this while it is possible to conduct interviews over the internet, there is no substitute for visiting the field to interact and build up relationships with development practitioners based on trust and mutual values.