研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 長崎国際大学 |
研究代表者 |
ローソン トム 長崎国際大学, 人間社会学部, 准教授 (40645157)
研究分担者 |
松本 知子 長崎国際大学, 人間社会学部, 講師 (10586308)
大渡ドーガン ジョン 長崎国際大学, 人間社会学部, 助教 (10815905)
LaClare Elton 崇城大学, SILC, 准教授 (20720593)
V.Deusen Brendan 長崎国際大学, 人間社会学部, 助教 (60646850)
ロベージュ ルーク 長崎短期大学, その他部局等, 准教授(移行) (90765603) [辞退]
研究期間 (年度) |
2018-04-01 – 2021-03-31
キーワード | MOOC / animation / English / hospitality / training / language |
研究実績の概要 |
Meetings with the local hospitality services industry representatives were conducted in the first part of FY2018 to gather support for the project and Professors Rawson, Van Deusen, Matsumoto, and Owatari-Dorgan participated in these meetings. Initial questionnaires for the target audience were distributed and collected by Professor Van Deusen and Professor Matsumoto. The data was analyzed and showed interest in the MOOC proposal. Initial MOOC course design meetings took place in the first half and second half of FY2018. A video editing workstation with audio recording equipment was purchased and configured by Professor Owatari-Dorgan. Professor LaClare provided guidance and also proposed to merge his preliminary MOOC study application to be used as a trial app with the target audience in our project - this is a big boost for the project. The plans for this trial are taking place in the current fiscal year. The team will propose using Professor LaClare's initial MOOC course as a prototype course for the workers in the hospitality services industry that have volunteered to take part in this project. In other parts of the project, Professors Rawson, Van Deusen, Matsumoto, Owatari-Dorgan, and Roberge participated in the MOOC course design and initial development. This development includes writing English dialogs and making English and Japanese audio recordings. Animation resources were purchased and some initial animated videos have been developed by Professor Owatari-Dorgan. The MOOC course is about 25% complete at this stage.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
3: やや遅れている
The project has moved forward slower than anticipated due to an extremely busy work schedule at the university for Professors Rawson, Van Deusen, Matsumoto, and Owatari-Dorgan. Also, the departure from the project of Professor Roberge due to an unforeseen circumstance has reduced the productivity of the team. However, Professor LaClare's contribution of his preliminary MOOC research and application development should help us to catch up with the schedule.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Overall, the plan will remain the same however the schedule for delivery of the live course materials will be delayed for 6 months or longer. The new plan includes using Professor LaClare's preliminary research to act as a prototype MOOC. The participants will take this initial course and then the team will collect feedback on the concepts. In parallel, the team will continue to develop the MOOC course for the hospitality and services industry for launch in FY2020.
備考 |
This is the host website for the MOOC. Also, the team attended the MoodleMoot Japan 2019 in February where various meetings and research discussions were conducted together.