研究実績の概要 |
In my ongoing project on Weil-etale cohomology for schemes over henselian discrete valuation rings, finite fields, and arithmetic schemes, I was able to finalize publication of the following results: Joint with B.Morin, we outline the definition of a Weil-etale cohomology theory for varieties over local fields which satisfy a Pontrjagin duality theory. The groups are objects of the heart of the t-structure on the derived category of locally compact abelian groups (this work is accepted for publication and published online). As an application we prove results on class field theory over local fields, generalizing and improving work of S.Saito and Yoshida. We give an integral model for the fundamental group, and some extra information on the kernel of the reciprocity map (a preprint is submitted for publication). In joint work with T.Suzuki, we generalized our work on the Weil-etale version of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture to one-motives. In particular, our work gives a new proof of the Tamagawa number formula of Oda (this is published).