研究実績の概要 |
During the fiscal year 2021, I have finalized the research projects started within the current Kakenhi grant, and made a number of presentations at domestic and international scientific gatherings. The presentations have been made mainly on the work done together with M. F. Ciappina on the tunnelling ionization rate of He-like atomic ions having charge number Z up to Z = 36. The theoretically obtained ionization rates can be used in conjunction with experimental measurements of the yield of atomic ions to accurately estimate the peak field intensity of very intense laser pulses. In addition, I contributed theoretically to the analysis of the attosecond-pulse-train-induced ultrafast fragmentation of C2H2 (acetylene) by calculating potential energy curves of the acetylene cation. The theoretical analysis revealed that after the ionization of C2H2, the acetylene cation C2H2+ can make a resonant pi-pi* transition by the absorption of the seventh harmonic of the fundamental laser field, leading to prompt C-C bond breaking.