研究実績の概要 |
Despite the fact that tourists’ experiences predominantly occur alongside other people, resulting in frequent social encounters and interactions between tourists, we actually know very little about these social interactions and how such exchanges affect a tourist’s overall experience. This project will investigate both cross-cultural and intra-cultural tourist-tourist interaction and the role it plays in the overall visitor experience. The first stage of the research project was the collection of qualitative data from domestic and international tourists in Japan. Qualitative interviews were primarily undertaken in Hokkaido, with some additional interviews conducted in Tokyo and Osaka. We conducted a total of 18 interviews in English, mainly with Western tourists, 28 interviews with Chinese tourists, and 26 interviews with domestic Japanese tourists. We have finished transcription, translation, and analysis of the interviews with Chinese tourists and have submitted 3 extended abstracts based on our Chinese data to 2 international tourism conferences for presentation. Two extended abstracts, co-authored by 3 members of the research team, on our Chinese interview data have been accepted for presentation at the 50th Annual TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) International Conference, June 25-27, 2019 in Melbourne, Australia.