Data was collected for this project in three stages. The first stage was to collect data from 862 Japanese university students as part of their university-wide vocabulary program. The students completed form-recall (Japanese to English translation) as part of their vocabulary program. Over 28 weeks each student was required to complete at least 30 form-recall items a week. Many students completed many more than 30-required items. This was done in order to establish which words they later needed to study. This stage resulted in difficulty estimates fo the New General Service List. The correlation between the difficulty of the words and rank in the New General Service List (NGSL) was .45. The correlation between the difficulty of the words and rank in the Corpus of Commentary American English (COCA) was .38. The second stage was to produce a free online vocabulary levels test. The goal of this stage was to use the test and pilot the test format and testing platform with 500 words from the first 5000 lemmas of a SubTlex word list. The third stage is to alter the free online vocabulary levels test so it randomly selects words from the target 5000 lemmas. This means with time stable difficulty estimates for the target 5000 lemmas are yielded.
すべて 2020 2019
すべて 雑誌論文 (4件) (うち査読あり 4件) 学会発表 (2件) (うち国際学会 2件)
TESOL Quarterly
巻: 0nlinefirst ページ: -
Language Testing
Studies in Second Language Acquisition
巻: 87 ページ: 102-161