研究実績の概要 |
Throughout the year I attended several conferences on issues related to gender violence allowing me to present my findings, network with other academics, and carry out some further fieldwork through interviews with government officials, NGO members, and activists. In October 2022, the book 'Gender Violence, the Law, and Society' was released (Emerald Publishing - ISBN: 978-1801171304) in which I contributed six chapters (Three were single author and three co-authored). I also took part in several international conferences: 8th May (2022) 'Evil and Sexuality Global Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference' in Prague, Czech Republic. 30th July (2022) '2nd International Conference on Gender Studies & Sexuality' in Dublin, Ireland. 21st February (2023) 'Unstoppable - Women Overcoming Barriers to Success Conference' in Tirana, Albania. 19th March (2023) '3rd International Conference on Gender & Sexuality' in Berlin, Germany. 25th March (2023) '4th Annual Hestia Spring Conference' in Bangkok, Thailand. Others: On the 22nd February 2023, I was interviewed on the 'Wake Up' tv show (Top Channel station) on the subject of Women's Empowerment in Japan, Tirana, Albania.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The impact of Covid was greatly reduced in the past year and I was finally able to properly reconnect with academics in other countries and also carry out more research regarding responses to gender issues outside of Japan. Nonetheless, things have only now (in May 2023) fully returned to normal and there were still some delays and barriers that prevented access to some potential interview subjects. Hopefully, these figures will now be available in the remainder of 2023.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
I am currently due to take part in two upcoming conferences (4th Global Congress on Gender and Sexuality Studies, in Budapest, Hungary, and the 5th Global Conference on Women’s Studies, in Dublin, Ireland). The Summer period will also be used to conduct some final fieldwork and interviews and from this I plan on finalising drafts of research papers for submission to several peer-reviewed journals.
Once they are complete I hope to be able to present an overview of the project at an upcoming conference on Gender Issues in East Asian or SouthEast Asia region.