研究実績の概要 |
The first two goals of my project for the FY2018 consisted of the construction and characterization of the two-dimensional cohomological Hall algebras of a fixed smooth projective complex curve X.
In the paper arXiv:1801.03482, together with O. Schiffmann, I have defined the cohomological Hall algebra associated with the Dolbeaut moduli stack of X (that is, the moduli stack parameterizing Higgs sheaves on X). We have characterized such an algebra describing, for example, a set of generators of it.
Recall that the de Rham moduli stack is the stack parameterizing vector bundles with flat connections on X, while the Betti moduli stack is the stack parameterizing finite-dimensional representations of the fundamental group of X. In the paper arXiv:1903.07253, together with M. Porta, I constructed cohomological Hall algebras for the de Rham and Betti moduli stacks of X, respectively. This result is a consequence of a more general construction of convolution algebra structures on the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on the Dolbeaut, de Rham and Betti moduli stacks (this gives rise to categorified Hall algebras). In the Dolbeaut case, the resulting categorified Hall algebra indeed categorifies the algebra constructed with Schiffmann. In addition, I have established some relations between these 3 categorified Hall algebras, which can be interpreted as Hall algebra versions of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, in the de Rham & Betti case, and of the non-abelian Hodge correspondence, in the Dolbeaut & de Rham case.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Denote by COHA^{Dol}_X the cohomological Hall algebra of the Dolbeaut moduli stack of a fixed smooth projective complex curve X.
The third goal of FY2018 was about the relation between COHA^{Dol}_X when X is the projective line and the Maulik-Okounkov Yangian of gl(2). At the moment, I am working on two independent projects in order to achieve this goal. Both of them consists of realizing a representation of COHA^{Dol}_X and, in the case of the projective line, comparing such a representation with those of the Maulik-Okounkov Yangian of gl(2). As a tool for such a comparison, I plan to use some results of Feigin and collaborators on the representation theory of Maulik-Okounkov Yangian of gl(2) (and quantum toroidal algebra of gl(2)) and some construction of Gaberdiel and collaborators on the physics side.
The first project, which I am carrying with Porta, is about a representation of COHA^{Dol}_X on the cohomology of moduli spaces of prolonged Higgs sheaves on X (which were defined by Katzarkov, Orlov, and Pantev); while the second project, which is together with D.E. Diaconescu and Porta, is about a representation of COHA^{Dol}_X on the cohomology of moduli spaces of cyclic Higgs sheaves on X. (The two moduli spaces I am considering should be related by some wall-crossing in a suitable space of stability conditions --- we plan to clarify this point in our projects.)
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Denote by COHA^{Dol}_X the cohomological Hall algebra of the Dolbeaut moduli stack of a fixed smooth projective complex curve X.
(a) Goal: study CoHA^{Dol}_X when the curve X is the complex projective line. I plan to finish the two projects I was mentioning in "Reasons", to establish a relation between COHA^{Dol}_X when X is the projective line and the Maulik-Okounkov Yangian of gl(2).
(b) Goal: show that COHA^{Dol}_X is a deformation of a universal enveloping algebra of a (graded) Lie algebra. The goal is to construct a filtration of COHA^{Dol}_X such that the corresponding graded object is commutative. In particular, I expect that such a graded object is a universal enveloping algebra of a certain Lie algebra. Such a Lie algebra should have graded dimension given by the Kac polynomial of the curve. The construction of the filtration should be a consequence of the construction of a relative version of COHA^{Dol}_X with respect to the Hitchin fibration of the Dolbeaut moduli stack.