研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 国立天文台 |
研究代表者 |
Lu Xing 国立天文台, アルマプロジェクト, 特任研究員 (40794425)
研究期間 (年度) |
2018-04-01 – 2021-03-31
キーワード | Star Formation / Galactic Center |
研究実績の概要 |
In FY2019, I published two papers (including one accepted paper) based on the JVLA and ALMA observations of the Central Molecular Zone of our Milky Way: Lu et al. 2019, ApJ Supplemental Series, 244, 35; Lu et al. accepted to ApJ Letters. In these two papers, I studied star formation activities in massive molecular clouds in the Central Molecular Zone, and reached a few important conclusions: high-mass star formation in the Central Molecular Zone is limited in a few isolated regions, and even these regions are not likely to form young massive clusters that are already found in the Central Molecular Zone. This poses a new question about how these young massive clusters form. Another significant result is the discovery of thermal Jeans fragmentation at sub-0.1 pc scales in these clouds, which indicates similar 'micro-physics' around the Galactic Center and other environments in the Galaxy. I attended the Galactic Center Workshop in Yokohama in October 2019, and presented three posters based on my studies. I also remotely attended the East Asia ALMA science workshop in Taipei in February 2020 (using video calls, because I cannot attend in person due to travel bans related to the new coronavirus) to present a talk about these results.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
In FY2019, I completed data analysis of the new JVLA and ALMA observations and published two papers, as in the original research plan in the proposal. I attended two conferences to advertize my research. However, I took a child-care leave of about three months, from the end of October 2019 to the beginning of February 2020. My plan of attending several conferences is also affected by the new coronavirus outbreak. Therefore, some plans (attending one conference in Hiroshima, data analysis of newest ALMA data) are slightly affected.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Because of the child-care leave and the new coronavirus outbreak, I have requested to extend this research project to FY2020. In this year, I will focus on the new ALMA data obtained through my two grade-A proposals, and publish at least two papers. I also plan to strengthen collaboration with domestic researchers, whom I met in the Galactic Center workshop in Yokohama in 2019 and talked with, and plan to visit them and discuss possible collaborative projects once the new coronavirus situation gets better.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
Because of the child-care leave and the impact of the new coronavirus, I could not attend several conferences as planned and had to cancel several travels, therefore there is amount to be used in the next fiscal year. I plan to use it for domestic travels to visit fellow researchers in Japan, to discuss future collaborations on the Central Molecular Zone projects, if the new coronavirus situation gets improved.