研究実績の概要 |
In FY2020, I published two papers based on ALMA observations of the Central Molecular Zone of our Milky Way (including one paper that was accepted in the previous fiscal year): Lu et al. 2020, ApJ Letters, 894, 14; Lu et al. 2021, ApJ, 909, 177). I found evidence of thermal Jeans fragmentation of 0.1-pc scale cores, and 43 protostellar outflows in clouds that were thought to be quiescent in terms of star formation. This is the first discovery of protostellar outflows outside of the Sgr B2 region in the Central Molecular Zone, although even taking these outflows into account, the star formation rates of these clouds are still lower than expected. These results were covered by ALMA research highlight, NAOJ news release, ALMA press release, Nature research highlight, NSF science news, etc. I also gave a remote seminar talk at Nagoya University to introduce my research to domestic researchers and establish collaborations. I remotely attended the East Asia ALMA science workshop in February 2021 to present a talk about these results.