研究実績の概要 |
Based on our previous demonstrated chip-integrated mid-infrared high-Q resonator, in this fiscal year, I further studied a method to characterize gas mid-infrared microring resonator with a monochromatic laser for sensing applications. The method is expected to overcome the limitation of bulk and complex instruments for measuring mid-infrared microring resonators, furthermore paves the way for studying monochromatically chip-integrated cavities and their applications. The work is published in Journal of the Optical Society of America B. Also I designed an on-chip waveguide-edge integrated polarizer and a spatial mode filter based on graphene-on-silicon waveguides. These studies could help improve on-chip gas sensing systems and bring us more degrees of freedom to design on-chip gas sensors by optimizing polarization states and spatial mode distribution in waveguides. These studies have been published in Applied Physics Express and Optics Express, respectively. Moreover, under the support of the project, I carried out biomolecular sensing by using Raman spectroscopy. My labmates and I together developed a novel material for enhancing Raman signal and demonstrated some applications in chemical and protein sensing. This work is currently reviewed by Nature Photonics. Based on the above results, I have given three invited talks and presented one oral speech at international conferences.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
In Phase III of the project, I am planning to carry out my study in two aspects: 1.Work on the graphene-on-silicon photonic-plasmonic hybrid integrated circuits. I plan to fabricate the designed graphene-on-silicon photonic-plasmonic hybrid integrated circuits. Localized surface plasmonic resonance in graphene nanoribbons integrated on the silicon waveguides can be excited and measured via the in-plane configuration. 2.Work on gas sensing study. After finishing the experimental setup and graphene-on-silicon devices, I plan to carry out an on-chip optical gas sensing study and explore possible new mechanisms in graphene-silicon photonic-plasmonic hybrid sensors.