研究実績の概要 |
Although the antiretroviral therapy successfully prolongs lives of HIV-infected patients, the current therapy is insufficient to eradicate infected cells. Understanding the molecular characteristic and phenotype of the cells harboring latent provirus is thus crucial for achieving cure. However, distinguishing latently-infected cells from uninfected cells remains a challenge. Taking in consideration of the HIV pandemicity in my home country Tanzania, I first tried to establish a platform to access to blood specimens of HIV-infected patients who successfully treated by antiretroviral therapy at least for 2 years. I have successfully collected whole blood from such patients (about 100), separated PBMC, and send them to Japan after freezing. In parallel, I have developed the PCR-based assay to quantitate proviral DNA copy number to characterize the latent status of those patients. By screening >100 patients, I may be able to find better appropriate patients that might fit to further analyses in the next year.