研究実績の概要 |
During the FY2022, a blinded data analysis corresponding to the histochemistry performed on samples from rodent stroke models (mice) treated with different cell therapies (six groups in total (mesenchymal stem cells: young and old, with and without micro-vesicles, MVCs, and micro-vesicles only), plus a negative control (PBS)) has been carried over. Cell counting for multiple staining has been done to understand the changes in vascular, microglial, astrocytic, and neuronal population distributions in different areas compromised by the ischemic lesion. Data has been analyzed globally (total cell counting) and focally (sectioning into areas) to understand better the distribution of different cell populations. The cell counting and physiological data have been taken into account for animal distribution and grouping. Data from animals whose status may alter the results has been taken out from the statistics, and drafting is in process for a journal paper. Regarding in vitro analysis, different approaches to complement the data extracted from in-vitro experiments have been considered. Since the data analysis has not been over yet, dissemination of the results has been halted up to FY 2022.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
4: 遅れている
During COVID the sampling process was stopped and afterward we are deciding whether we can publish with the current data, or attempt to increase the number of animals. With the reduction of restrictions, we hope to proceed within the FY2023 to collect all the data (in vitro, and in vivo if needed) and publish a paper on it.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
For FY2023, data analysis will be over along to in vitro testing of ROS scavenging under multiple conditions. If needed, in vivo experiments will be added to validate the groups. In parallel, paper drafting is ongoing to finalize a manuscript as soon as possible after the data collection and analysis is finalized.