研究実績の概要 |
For the Fiscal year 2023 and final year of the grant, in vitro experiments were conducted and finished, data analysis for in vivo and in vitro analysis was retrieved and statistical analysis was performed. We found congruence between the in vitro and in vivo analysis regarding cell behavior where anti-inflamatory cytokines where upregulated, and the cultured cells'migratory ability was enhanced toward specific signaling. These findings goes along with the in vivo data and tissue analysis after transplant for most groups but it was more evident for the group containing modified adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells from infant donors.Therefore, these results are under preparation for submitting in its totality to a peer-reviewed journal within the upcoming months. Preliminary results were also presented at the IEEE 45th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) in form of a poster on August/2023.