研究実績の概要 |
The results for the third iteration of a software tool for supporting socio-emotional communication were presented in ACM CHI 2022 (FY2022), where the paper received the ACM CHI Best Paper Award (top 1 percent). A system design and evaluation for using speech balloons to convey emotional arousal was presented. In the fourth iteration of the software tool, Japanese and Western fonts are used in a text chat application to convey emotional valence. A dataset detailing the emotional information associated with Japanese fonts was created, and an evaluation experiment to confirm the effects of conveying emotional information in Japanese fonts was conducted. A publication detailing the evaluation results is in review. An evaluation experiment of Western fonts was conducted with non-native English speakers, an evaluation experiment with native English speakers is underway, after which an interactive experiment with native and non-native English speakers will be conducted to evaluate the efficacy of using Japanese and Western fonts as cues for emotional valence in multilingual text chats. Based on these results the latest iteration of the software tool will be implemented and published.