研究実績の概要 |
In the Fiscal Year 2020, for advancing our understanding of seismo-acoustic noise and glaciers in Greenland, the following research results were delivered: five peer-reviewed publications and four presentations. Out of these, three papers were first-authored [Podolskiy et al. 2021a, 2021b; Podolskiy and Sugiyama, 2020], and two presentations made at meetings run by international societies [EGU, JpGU/AGU]. Four papers were published as open-access articles.
The papers about a co-seismic eruption of a subglacial discharge plume [Podolskiy et al. 2021a] and soundscape of a glacier fjord [Podolskiy and Sugiyama, 2020] have received the highest attention online. For example, Altmetric scores were 111 and 366, respectively, and multiple international news outlets covered our work. The papers were accompanied with press-releases in Japanese and English languages (e.g., jointly with the American Geophysical Union or the University of Tokyo).
The signal-processing routines and methodology developed within these studies, as well as knowledge gained will be helpful for advancing our understanding of the rapidly changing polar environments through future projects.