すべて 2010 2009 2008 2007 その他
すべて 雑誌論文 (21件) (うち査読あり 21件) 学会発表 (20件) 備考 (1件)
LNCS Transactions on Computational Science 8
ページ: 103-113
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications 20,1
ページ: 89-104
Theory of Computing System vol.46,No.2
ページ: 157-173
Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(16)
ページ: 3362-3371
Lecture Notes in Computer Science("Efficient Algorithms,")(editied by S.Albers, H.Alt, and S.Naeher)(Springer)
ページ: 249-260
Internat.J.Found.Comput.Sci. 20,1
ページ: 3-23
Statistical Science and Interdiciplinary Research ("Algorithms, Architectures and Information Systems Security,")(edited by B.B.Bhattacharya, S.Sur-Kolay, S.C.Nandy, and A.BaguchiI)(World Scientific Publishers) Vol.3
ページ: 55-74
Monograph("ETVC08 : Emerging Trends and Challenges in Visual Computing,")(edited by Frank Nielsen) ETVC2008
ページ: 268-283
Computational Geometry : Theory and Applications 42(4)
ページ: 289-304
Int.J.Found.Comput.Sci. 20(1)
Inf.Process.Lett. 109(1)
ページ: 57-60
IEICE Transactions 91-A(9)
ページ: 2341-2348
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol.25
ページ: 1-16
Theory of Computing System Volume 42, Number 2
ページ: 143-156
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security Volume 2, No.4
ページ: 721-733
Information Processing Letters volume 105, Issue 1, 31
ページ: 26-31
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence vol.27,no.7
ページ: 1141-1158
SIAM J.On Computing Vol.37, Issue 4
ページ: 1182-1198
Advances in Mathematics Vol.212, Issue 1
ページ: 338-360
Journal of Pattern Recognition Research.(accepted for publication in)
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences.(accepted for publication in)