研究実績の概要 |
In JAXA, the candidate is part of three spacecraft project: Martian Moons eXploration (MMX), DESTINY+, and EQUULEUS CubeSat
a)For the Martian Moons eXploration mission, the candidate has investigated strategies for the orbit maintenance along the science periodic orbits in the vicinity of Phobos. The candidate has also explored the feasibility of a purely ballistic captured insertion into the quasi-satellite periodic orbits after the interplanetary maneuver is performed. b)For the DESTINY+ small-class mission, the candidate has worked in the optimization of the spiral ascent part from a geostationary transfer orbit to lunar encounter. Particular emphasis was given to the respect of a set of strict operational constraints. c)For the EQUULEUS CubeSat mission, the candidate has created a database of optimal solution compatible with the launch window and launch parameters
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
In the first 15 months of the research fellowship, the original research plan stipulated the completion of WP100 and the start of WP200. (WP110:Adjust the model to the Mars-Phobos system; WP120:Compute the periodic orbits among those the QSOs; WP130:Generate the ballistic capture set; WP140:Assess natural objects orbiting the moons; WP150:Analyze the n-body ephemeris behavior of the ballistic capture set; WP210:Design robust Phobos insertion trajectories. The candidate has done WP110,120,130 as explained in Section 1 and he is continuing to research towards the goals set by WP140,150 and WP210 with promising simulations. In addition to the original plan, the candidate has also researched the station-keeping strategy of MMX along the science orbits. Accordingly, there is a slight delay with respect to the submitted Gantt chart. In addition, the work and research performed for the JAXA missions EQUULEUS and DESTINY+ are extensions to the original proposed research plan and well fit within the career goals of the research fellow. The development of a low-thrust optimization toolbox, the analysis of spacecraft transfers in view of real technological constraints, and the interface with JAXA mission flight dynamics members is considered an extra success.
Considering the above-mentioned points, i.e. slight delay in MMX application, the work done in the orbit maintenance, and the better than planned work in EQUUELUS and DESTINY+, the current status of the research fellowship is b) moderate. The candidate is continuing to pursue research according to plan.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
a)The candidate will focus on constructing nominal insertion trajectories into Phobos orbit, design the maneuvers sequence for the insertion, and provide an alternative way to manage the Martian moon encounters/insertion operations by employing ballistic capture motion in the Mars-moon system. The objective is to increase the safety and robustness of the operations. The Phobos insertion trajectories are classified and provided to the MMX FD.
b)Optimization of the spiral ascent will be merged with the other phases of the mission in order to generate viable end-to-end solution.
c)A global understanding of the solution space behavior is sought to generalize the results obtained for the SLS-release to Moon periodic orbit transfer.