研究実績の概要 |
1) Obtained the three-dimensional profile of stress corrosion crack colonies through the proposed inversion problem algorithm. We found that heuristic learning algorithms such as genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm were not effective in depth sizing inversion problem using the signal of eddy current testing. Through simulation method, we confirmed that employing three dimensional magnetic signals did not improve the depth sizing accuracy. 2) Studied the detection of crack colonies using uniform and rotating eddy current testing techniques in high speed. The simulation and experiment results indicate that uniform and rotating eddy current testing were less sensitive to speed than traditional eddy current testing. 3) Compared the performance of uniform and rotating eddy current techniques through probability of detection analysis. Moreover, the mechanism of rotating eddy current was studied further. The results indicated that rotating eddy current testing is not always better than uniform eddy current testing. The orientation of eddy current should be selected. 4) The proposed algorithm for transforming the results of rotating eddy current testing to ones of uniform eddy current testing was tested on ferromagnetic material. The results indicated that the algorithm is also effective. When detecting ferromagnetic material, we can separate the magnetic signals of disturbed eddy current and magnetic flux leakage. 5) Finished the whole work in Japan and submitted finial report to JSPS.