研究実績の概要 |
From April 2021 until my leave on August 13th I have focused on processing fecal samples from individual bats and from colonies that were collected in the previous years. I also taught a student how to use this method in order to keep collaborations regarding diet analyses in Japan while I’m back in Germany. During 2021 further fecal samples have been collected by students for this project from colonies of Nyctalus aviator in urban and semi-natural landscapes in Hokkaido and in similar landscapes in Fukui Prefecture from colonies of Rhinolophus nippon. In addition, I have continued to work on various manuscripts that have been published in December 2021 and in early 2022. One of these manuscripts I have written as a first author. This manuscript was dealing with dietary differences between two Japanese bat species that were specialized on forest habitats and occurred together in space and time. The available GPS-data from bats that were tracked from the year 2015 to 2020 is under analysis. A majority of statistical tests on GPS-data from Japanese horseshoe bats have been presented at the European Bat Research Symposium in May 2021. The corresponding manuscript is in preparation.