研究実績の概要 |
In Reiwa 3 we had 4 months to finish analyzing the results and write scientific publications with regard to the results obtained. One original research paper reporting histological changes in cooked beef samples was published. Impact of cooking on the structure of beef was revealed in details: Muscle fibers drew closer, except after grilling at a core temperature of 55°C, probably due to shrinkage of the perimysium and cooking losses at both endpoint temperatures. No explanation was found in the literature to elucidate why grilling at 55°C did not impact the EMA. However, a lower extent of thermal diffusivity in meat under grilling would explain this phenomenon. In adipose tissue, adipocytes began to break, and the fat was melted at 55°C, whatever the cooking method used. Connective tissue surrounding the adipocytes was visibly affected by a cooking temperature of 77°C, showing some undulations, which did not occur at 55°C. These results indicate that the endpoint core temperature had more impact than the cooking process itself on meat tissues, and especially on connective tissue. Shrinkage and denaturation were more obvious in well-done meat (77°C) than in rare meat (55°C). During the 4 months experiments were also done and Raman spectra of the samples were acquired. Statistical analyses were run on the whole data obtained during this research project to allow the study of correlation between cooking methods and chemical and spectral changes. Achievements will hopefully also be published as an original paper and a review.