研究実績の概要 |
Purpose of the research is to capture the impacts of rapid urbanization on increasing urban disasters in rapidly urbanizing cities in South Asia. This study aims to achieve four specific objectives: (i) to examine the spatiotemporal urbanization pattern and driving factors in these cities, (ii) to capture the urban disaster trend based on the historical record, (iii) to analyze the negative impact of urban disasters towards the introduction of sustainable urban planning, and (iv) to prepare web systems to provide the outcome of the proposed research for visualization and spatial analysis. During this period, we collected relevant remotely-sensed data layers for capturing land use and land cover changes in four cities: Colombo, Mumbai, Karachi, and Dhaka. Landsat data already have been downloaded and their preprocessing was completed. Sentinel satellite data also is going to be used to capture rapid urbanization in the four cities. We finished classifying of the land use and land cover and making maps for 2019 already, and started detailed spatial analysis to capture the rapid urbanization trends based on geospatial techniques. In addition to that, a field survey was conducted in the Colombo Metropolitan Area to understand the landscape changes and its impacts on the urban disaster in the study area. The primary and secondary data have been collected, and several interviews and surveys were conducted to gather primary data sources. Detailed and valuable information such as flood distribution maps, flood-related photographs, past disaster damages have been collected.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The literature review, fieldwork, and empirical analysis were carried out as planned according to the research protocol. However, due to the spread of the new type of coronavirus infection, we were unable to make a presentation at the conference that had been scheduled for February to March.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
We develop time-series of land use and land cover (LULC) maps and analyze its spatiotemporal change in the four selected Megacities: Colombo, Mumbai, Dhaka, and Karachi. Remote-sensing data in three-time period,1996, 2009 and 2019, will be used. The data will be classified into six main LULC classes: built-up, forest, grassland, bare land, cropland, and water. We will conduct a field survey to find the accuracy of the LULC analysis and to collect data related to the urban disasters in the Colombo metropolitan area to examine how LULC changes affect on urban disasters. Urban flood and urban heat-related disasters will be investigated based on satellite and weather data to analyze urban disaster trends. Weather data can be collected from the meteorological department of each country. Data on the past disasters will be collected to develop maps for examining disaster trends. The original plan was to conduct field investigations in all four cities. However, due to the global spreading of the COVID 19, we may conduct alternative plans. We will use more detailed results on previous literatures and data from the secondary sources. We already have discussed with International Water Management Institute to share past flood data in the four cities. We collect relevant biophysical and socio-economic data, topographic maps, population, previous and current land use plans, and climatic data. We will present research outcomes in international conferences such as AGU, and write and publish articles on the LULC changes and its impact on the urban disasters of the South Asian Megacities.