研究実績の概要 |
We conducted several experiments during this fiscal year, April 2021 to October 2021. Some of the experiments were new (eggshell and incubation studies) and some for repeatability on optical properties of eggshell in Terahertz Region (0.5-2.0 THz) to interpret biological phenomena of chicken eggshell and dependence of mother bird age and breed. We also took eggshell ultra-structure using electronic microscopic image. We obtained several fundamental findings which was presented in Japan Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers (JSAM) 79th annual scientific conference in 2021. We found clear and significant difference of eggshell optical properties like refractive index of incubated and non-incubated eggshell, difference between eggs from older parent flock and eggs from younger flock. The refractive index in terahertz region indicates the density of eggshell. Based on the above observation, it was possible to develop a deep learning based non-destructive protocol on mother birds tracing system for their health status monitoring based on eggshell optical properties and micro-structure.