研究分担者 |
李 鍾元 早稲田大学, 国際学術院(アジア太平洋研究科), 教授 (20210809)
泉川 泰博 中央大学, 総合政策学部, 教授 (60352449)
楠 綾子 国際日本文化研究センター, 研究部, 准教授 (60531960)
井上 正也 成蹊大学, 法学部, 教授 (70550945)
松本 はる香 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所, 地域研究センター東アジア研究グループ, 研究グループ長代理 (90450543)
岩下 明裕 北海道大学, スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター, 教授 (20243876)
研究実績の概要 |
In 2019-2020, Kaken A began with an uchiawase in Tokyo at which members introduced their ongoing work and discussed how to make our collaboration more fruitful. A largely geographic division of labor was agreed upon covering the major powers of Northeast Asia and key topic areas. Freedom of Information Act filings were accomplished in both the US and Japan. On the Japanese side, some materials have already been declassified from the Foreign Ministry Archive and on the American side, examination of the National Security Archive’s rich holdings has begun, while additional declassifications were requested at the Johnson Presidential Archive in Austin, Texas. Our final activity of the year, a panel at the International Studies Association conference (March 2020), included four Kaken A members, as well as experts from Korea, the PRC, Australia and the US, but was cancelled due to covid-19. Buntansha made over 20 presentations this year, including talks in Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and the US. Two books and numerous articles were published.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
Kaken A was a little ahead of schedule, but the coronavirus pandemic forced the cancellation of our final event this year and will certainly force additional adjustments to planning next year's activities, especially those involving international travel.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
This coming year the main event will be the SRC Summer Symposium scheduled for Sapporo in July 2020. Under conditions of social distancing, six Kaken A members will present papers on critical junctures in Northeast Asia and receive comments from foreign and Japanese experts, either in person or by skype, depending on the pandemic travel status at that time. After the symposium ends, a one-day uchiawase will decide further plans for the year. Kaken members will continue to revise their papers in preparation for publication. Additional materials and subscriptions will be purchased/copied to compensate for research travel that may be difficult to complete due to the coronavirus and its risks.