研究分担者 |
李 鍾元 早稲田大学, 国際学術院(アジア太平洋研究科), 教授 (20210809)
岩下 明裕 北海道大学, スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター, 教授 (20243876)
泉川 泰博 青山学院大学, 国際政治経済学部, 教授 (60352449)
楠 綾子 国際日本文化研究センター, 研究部, 教授 (60531960)
井上 正也 慶應義塾大学, 法学部(三田), 教授 (70550945)
松本 はる香 独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所, 地域研究センター東アジア研究グループ, 研究グループ長 (90450543)
研究実績の概要 |
In 2023-24, relaxation of covid restrictions allowed Kaken members to access materials in Japan, Korea and the US, but Russia’s attack on Ukraine and China’s increasing spymania have made it even more difficult to access materials in Moscow and Beijing. Instead, Kaken members have travelled to major collections in the US. Archives and libraries at Harvard and Columbia Universities provided access to materials collected by individual professors. Collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson Center as well as the National Security Archive, both in Washington, DC, added materials from declassifications of materials in former Communist country archives and more systematic use of the FOIA, respectively. International events were held in Taipei and Sapporo, with National Chengchi University hosting a two-day workshop and the Winter Symposium at the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center allotting two sessions to Kaken A papers. The Taipei event combined papers on both soft and hard power, prepared by Taiwanese, Japanese, American and Australian presenters. Additional dissemination has taken place through presentations at international sites (Harvard University, Warsaw University, Munich University, Qinghua University, etc.) and in Japan (Nikkei Forum, Japan Political Science Annual Meeting, Nichibunken, etc.) The papers completed by members of this Kaken, together with scholars brought together at Kaken events, have now been combined into a coedited manuscript of several hundred pages on Japan in the Cold War soon to be submitted to Stanford University Press.