We perform single tone measurements on InAs nanowires in moderate magnetic fields (~100mT). We have developed simulations of the system based on tight binding and master equation approach to interpret the results. Despite this success two-tone measurements remain difficult in applied fields as high power microwaves disturb the stability of the phase due to vortex movement. A possible solution maybe flux cooling of the system and toward this end we have studied lower Tc Tantalum Nitride resonators. We characterized our devices measured in FY2020 and summarized the flip-chip spectroscopy(ArXiv::2112.08983). We studied Te-doped nanowires to be used as high critical current shunts in asymmetric SQUID for future phase bias spectroscopy (Perla et al. Phys, Rev. Mat. 6, 024602 (2022)).
すべて 2022
すべて 雑誌論文 (1件) (うち国際共著 1件、 査読あり 1件、 オープンアクセス 1件) 学会発表 (2件) (うち国際学会 1件)
Physical Review Materials
巻: 6 ページ: 024602-1-5