研究実績の概要 |
Monitoring sites were visited for final data retrieval and recovery of equipment. Conducted final spatial network analysis of the complete data set to investigate environmental drivers of joint distribution patterns of abiotic (water temperature) and biological (benthic algae, invertebrates and fish) components across the river network. Statistical models for prediction of water temperature built in previous years were used for prediction of changes in thermal habitats in Hokkaido rivers under alternative future climate change scenarios and potential effects on aquatic biodiversity. Two papers are in preparation for submission in the next fiscal year. Results presented at 4 national and 2 international conferences and 2 public events. Two Japanese reports and 3 peer-reviewed international papers published. The latter include (i) a novel real-time monitoring and postprocessing method of thermal infrared video images for determining groundwater discharge points and surface water temperature (Water Resour. Res., IF 4.31); (ii) a mesocosm experiment investigating combined effects of warming, herbicides, and nutrient enrichment on aquatic foodwebs (J. Environ. Manag., IF 8.91); and a long-term study on the effects of ecosystem restoration on macroinvertebrates and water quality in eutrophic systems (J. Ap. Ecol., IF 5.84). We were invited to publish a commentary in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America on our research published in the journal Ecol. Monogr. In 2022. The Bulletin publishes non-technical articles to make research accessible to non-scientific audiences.