There are three pathways to possibly homogenize and increase current collection in a limiting cell of a III-V multijunction solar cell (MJSC) device - one is by growing smaller active area of the top cell, another is by electrical sidewall passivation using thin-film dielectrics, and the other is by photo-passivation of shunt defects in MJSCs using all-inorganic perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) with amorphous thermoplastic film. The electrical sidewall passivation was experimentally observed to homogenize and increase current collection in a subcell benefitting from the luminescent coupling (LC) effect. Hence, the electrical sidewall passivation of full MJSC devices is an additional step recommended in fabricating high-efficiency MJSCs with homogeneous current production, just after the fabrication of the semiconductor stack or after electrode fabrication, provided that the electrodes are masked during passivation layer growth. The PQD-amorphous thermoplastic films on a full III-V MJSC device successfully demonstrated current redistribution from the top cell into its lower subcells. Thus, for enhanced MJSC current matching, it is recommended to use an optimized photo-assistive layer like PQD-amorphous thermoplastic films. Applying these solutions may reach the conversion efficiency increase by 1.35% in MJSCs.
すべて 2020
すべて 雑誌論文 (2件) (うち国際共著 2件、 査読あり 2件、 オープンアクセス 1件) 学会発表 (2件) (うち国際学会 2件)
巻: 4(6) ページ: 1263-1277
Application of perovskite quantum dots in carrier redistribution in III-V multijunction solar cells with luminescent coupling effect
巻: 10(4) ページ: 042005