研究実績の概要 |
During the past year, our research focuses to resolve the above two problems in IoT systems. According to the research plan proposed in the proposal, this year our research focuses on solving the first problem, for how to design secure lightweight cryptography primitives that achieve fewer memory consumption and resistant to key leakage attack in IoT systems, we have re-designed and implemented several Elliptic Curve Cryptographic primitives and achieved the best results compared to existing other schemes. Then, we studied the authentication problems in the emerging IoT-cloud circumstance, and presented a novel authentication scheme for IoT-based architectures combined with cloud servers. To pursue the best efficiency, lightweight crypto-modules, such as one-way hash function and exclusive-or operation, are adopted in our authentication scheme.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
We have achieved some good resulted as we proposed in the research plan. We redesigned some existent techniques to fit the low-end IoT platform, namely 8-bit AVR processors, and our implementations evaluated on the desired platform show that the SM2 algorithms have competitive efficiency and security with NIST, which would work well to secure the IoT world.
We achieved IoT-compatible authentication cryptographic protocols for IoT devices, we studied lightweight certificateless signature schemes. We presented a lightweight cryptographic protocol integrating certificateless signature and bilinear pairing crypto-primitives. This research result was accepted and published by journal of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
I will still keep working on efficient and secure implementation of IoT library for the Internet of Things. Concrete tasks: optimize public-key primitives (TEGLV curve-based), implement secret-key primitives (AES), and hash functions (SHA) for resource constraint IoT devices, design efficient side-channel resistant countermeasures, write two research papers. I will also spend more time in researching and developing secure control of IoT. research on the design of an efficient and robust machine-to-machine authentication system and a biometric-based continuous authentication system.