研究実績の概要 |
In March and April 2021, an online conference was held. 23 research collaborators' presented their recent findings for this project. My queries and criticisms have improved these findings, as have the critical comments made by three external academics specialized in this field. The research centres around the ways in which S. T. Coleridge accommodated his philosophical idealism with his and with contemporary theories of the evolution of biological life and of the existence and laws of physical matter, motion, and the interchange of energy. Other important thinkers related to this that were covered in the research include G. W. Leibniz, Immanuel Kant, Comte de Buffon, Friedrich Schlegel, F. J. W. Schelling, and J. H. Green, among several others. The research was then worked over FY2021 into a book, which I am editing to present to Oxford University Press in a bid for publication with them. I have already approached that press, who have previously published three of my books, and they are interested in this proposal. Overall, the research has traced historical, textual, and conceptual links between writers and scientists working on the philosophy and science of life and matter and on related idealist theories in the UK, Germany, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
2: おおむね順調に進展している
The conference was a success and material sufficient to produce a high-quality academic book on the topic has been produced and is being collated.
The book proposal to Oxford University Press is underway, all of the essays were received in first-draft form, and most of the essays (all but two or three) have been submitted in second-draft, improved form.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
What remains to be done on the practical side, concerning dissemination, is for me to thoroughly fact-check and edit all of the papers in an inter-connected whole, so that the book can be produced within the next year.
I now envision extending my work into a contemporary study of the twentieth-century submersion and the potential for a revival of theories of transcendence concerning life, matter, and cultural understanding. I am making extensive notes and preparatory studies to shape up this idea and it will form th e basis of my next Kakenhi project
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
My plan for this Kakenhi project included seminars, workshops, and library research in Britain (Durhaam University) and Germany (Freiburg University). Covid 19 restrictions again prevented this, but I intend to do this work in 2023, using the remaining Kakenhi budget.