研究実績の概要 |
Academic events I attended last year: - International colloquium "Eloquences revolutionnaires", Universite Paris 8, Universite Paris 10 Nanterre, Universite de Toulouse (May 6, 2021) - Double conference at the Maison franco-japonaise (Tokyo): "The French Revolution and Literature", introduction to a symposium organized by Professor Miura Nobutaka; "Le Theatre de la Revolution, de Romain Rolland" (September 24, 2021) The expenses made during the year were devoted to the documentation to prepare these three presentations, as well as to finalize the writing of an article published in the n°56 of the academic journal Gallia (大阪大学フランス語フランス文学会) : "La representation politique et ses mysteres, dans le theatre de la Revolution francaise : entre role dramatique traditionnel et role politique nouveau".