研究課題/領域番号 |
研究機関 | 弘前大学 |
研究代表者 |
バトラー アラステア 弘前大学, 人文社会科学部, 准教授 (90588873)
研究期間 (年度) |
2019-04-01 – 2022-03-31
キーワード | grammatical analysis / parsed corpora / language teaching / English / Japanese |
研究実績の概要 |
The implementation plan is to develop a program for language teaching with parsed corpora. The components are: 1) a grammar textbook focused on English language learning for Japanese students at university level, 2) a large grammatically analysed corpus of English, also linked to Japanese language analysis for purposes of comparison, and 3) the development of a "toolkit" for analysis creation, for students to start analysing their own written language. The goal is to empower students to critically analyse their own language use and be drawn to explore wider insights from the grammatically analysed corpus.
現在までの達成度 (区分) |
現在までの達成度 (区分)
1: 当初の計画以上に進展している
The first year of the project has seen development in all three components of the project. An initial draft of the textbook has been prepared with chapters introducing 1) Words 2) Phrases 3) Clauses and 4) Subordination and coordination of clause content. A lot of work has gone into the creation of an English corpus, and to the development of the scheme that underpins the annotation, which has been optimised to support the textbook description. The "toolkit" has been developed as a post-processor that is able to convert the output of the Stanford CoreNLP parser, a state-of-the-art statistical parser, to correspond to annotations of the corpus/textbook description. This conversion was described in a conference presentation (LENLS 16), and is currently available as a demo on the web.
今後の研究の推進方策 |
Future plans are to further develop the three components. The textbook will be enlarged and trial lessons undertaken. Annotation of the English corpus will aim to grow the overall size. A key part of language learning is to gain knowledge of vocabulary. To support vocabulary learning, the coming year will start adding word sense disambiguation information. So far the "toolkit" has involved adding post-processing to a statistical parser. This buys wide coverage and a way to manage ambiguity. However, this does lead to an unpredictable range of parsing errors, requiring students to be sensitive to miss-analysis. The future plan is to re-orient the toolkit around a logic based grammar approach with predictable properties. The new challenge is to increase coverage for unconstrained input.
次年度使用額が生じた理由 |
The incurring amount was small and will be used to support further annotation work.